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RULES Expedición Guaraní 2018


By entering the 2018 Expedición Guaraní, teams and participants agree to follow the rules of race; government regulations (eg traffic laws, etc..) conservation rules and care of nature, rules of national parks, and general respect for the land where they compete, including private and public properties. The application of this rule admits of no exception except those covered by it.


1.Pre-Race.Participating teams must go through the registration process, pass mandatory gear and skills controls and attend meetings and events planned by the organization.

1.1. All team members must be present in the registration process.

1.2. All team members must attend meetings before the race.

1.3. In mandatory gear controls, teams must show the gear required by the organization and its functioning. The absence of any element or its malfunction can lead to not allow the start of the sections in which that element is necessary. 


2.Mandtatory Gear. Teams and their members must take the mandatory race gear described in the Mandatory Gear List for Basque Expedition Race.

2.1.The teams and their members must take with them the mandatory gear described in the Mandatory Gear List.

2.2. The teams and their members cannot bring to the race none of the items listed as prohibited in the Mandatory Gear List.

2.3. Teams must carry and use, as specified by the organization, the satellite tracking system provided by the organization. It is not allowed to turn it off or limit its operation.

2.4. Once the race started, using maps not provided by the organization is not permitted.

2.5. If a required element is consumed / used / lost or stops working during the race, teams are required to notify a Race officer and replace it in the next TA.

2.6. Teams can be inspected for Mandatory Gear during the race. These controls will be the same for all teams.

2.7. All team members must wear the official race bibs and as the most visible garment (even on top of the lifejacket). No modifications or clogging thereof printed allowed.

2.8. It is not permitted to make changes in the canoes provided by the organization.  


3.The Race Course.Teams must complete the race like described in the racebook, having gone through all the control points (CPs) and transition areas (TAs) in the specified discipline at all times and using the maps provided by the organization . The winner will be the first team to complete the course, having fulfilled the law or after paying appropriate penalties (if they have had them).

3.1. Teams must comply with all official instructions given in the race.

3.2. Once unveiled the route, you are not allowed to visit the areas of race before departure.

3.3. Teams must complete the race in the manner described in the racebook. Unless otherwise specified, sections and CPs should be performed in order.

3.4. Teams can ́t pass through prohibited areas. Unless it is specifically allowed by the organization, private property are considered prohibited areas.

3.5. Teams must follow the mandatory routes designed by the organization, if there is any.

3.6. Teams must comply with civil laws at all times.

3.7. Teams must visit checkpoints as described in the road book and maps.

        3.7.1. Teams failing to reach a TA or CP will be deemed to penalties.

        3.7.2. If a team arrives to the place where a CP is marked on the map and can ́t find it (may have been stolen or misplaced), you must prove that you have visited the place marked on the map, by taking a photograph. Also satellite system data equipment will be considered.

3.8. In the CPs and TAs, teams should prove their pass by the method specified in the racebook (electronic system)

       3.8.1. If a team loses its electronic card or passport proving its pass for the CP, may continue to use other methods (eg. photography) but will lose the controls were unable to prove his visit.

3.9. The race time does not stop at transitions or sections with teams accumulations. There can be no timed sections or mandatory stops for safety reasons or other, when the organization considerate appropriate.

3.10. The final race time is collected when all components cross the finish line.


4.Team. Teams must move forward and complete the race with all its components without substitutions being close enough to see and communicate verbally at all times.

4.1. Each team must have a captain who will be the official representative of the team before, during and after the race.

4.2. No offensive or profanity team names are allowed.

4.3. All components must be 18 years or older on the day of start of the race.

4.4. The teams must move with all its components being sufficiently near to see and communicate verbally at all times (no more than 100m). The team members may not be separated accidentally or intentionally. Except:

       4.4.1. When the organization specifically permitted in any section or portion of the race.

       4.4.2. After the team has registered in a TA entry and before marking its departure.

       4.4.3. In an emergency situation (when a component is going to ask for help).

4.5. No substitutions of team members allowed.

4.6. In case of withdrawal, the teams must notify the organization as soon as possible.

4.7. If a component (or more) of a team decides to retire, the whole team should reach the TA or the nearest rescue area. Once there, the organization may decide to let continue the race to the rest of the components, if they wish. This decision is subject to different factors depending on the situation and the time.


5.External Assistance.Teams can ́t receive external assistance during the race.

5.1. No friends, family or supporter (either viewer, photographer, journalist, volunteer ...) can offer assistance to a team. These are subject to the following rules, in order that no team can be penalized for these reasons:

        5.1.1. Friends, family, supporter or media can ́t assist in route planning or strategy once the route is known.

        5.1.2. Friends, family, supporter or media should follow the race from the locations specified by the organization.

        5.1.3. Friends, family, supporter or media can ́t carry or transport food, material for any member of any team during the race.

        5.1.4. Friends, family, supporter or media can ́t give / collect / replace food or mandatory gear to any team.

        5.1.5. Friends, family, supporter or media can ́t pass information about the race (other teams positions, rhythm, sleep times...)

        5.1.6. The media may not be in strategic location where a team can receive help when navigating.

5.2. Assistance by the general public, without any affinity with the equipment or any of its members, is permitted: Considering the following points:

        5.2.1. The general public can ́t move any equipment or materials in any vehicle or animal.

        5.2.2. Teams can interact with the general public, to ask directions, answer questions.

5.3. A team that is performing the complete race can attend another team that is also in full race. Short coursed or unranked teams are not permitted to assist teams on the full course in any way.



6.1. If a team comes across someone (be they involved with the event or not) who is in a genuine emergency situation, you MUST stop and give assistance. Organizers will attempt to re-credit lost time where possible.

6.2. The medical staff has the authority, with confirmation of the Race Director, not allowing a runner to continue if show symptoms of injury or disease that endangers his life or that of their peers. The event organizers decision to remove some one for medical or security reasons is irrevocable.

6.3. Emergency communications devices should only be used in a situation where you require immediate assistance, or if there is a real danger to yourself or others in the event.


7.Environment.Teams must have respect for the environment and terrain that elapses the race, leaving the slightest evidence of their passage.

7.1. All trash generated by team, must be carried over until a dumpster.

7.2. All trash generated by teams in a TA should be thrown in a dumpster. The organization will put containers in all TAs.

7.3. It is not allowed to do fire, except in an emergency.


8.Conduct. Racers must have a respectful behavior at all times, without any violence or bad behavior.

8.1. Competitors may not remove, tamper or adjust event equipment (beacons, ribbons, signs ...)

8.2. The racers should not mislead organizers with incorrect or incomplete information.

8.3. Is not permitted any abusive, offensive or violent language or behavior with any participant, official career, the press or public.


9.Prohibited Substances

It is forbidden the use of banned doping described in global code substances.


10.Penalties. The team that does not complete the race in the specified form and manner consistent with the regulations, may have a time penalty, may be classified as DNF (does not finished) or may be disqualified (DQ)

10.1. A team will be disqualified if they break a rule deliberately intended to take advantage of it.

10.2. A team will be penalized if they break a rule accidentally without the idea of having this advantage.

10.3. Penalties or disqualification may take place before, during or after the race.

10.4. Will have a time penalty the team that:

        - Friends, family or supporter go to not permitted race areas (two hours)

        -Some of the team members do not complete any of the ropes sections (two hours per rider)

        -Do not wear the official race bibs over all clothing, including life jacket (thirty minutes per runner).

        -Lack of some mandatory equipment during the race (time penalty determined by the jury based on the seriousness of the offense)

10.5. Will be qualified as not finished the team that:

        -Loses one or more team members by withdrawal

        -Complete Race with members of other teams.

10.6. Will be disqualified the team:

        -Use any unauthorized transportation or communication system.

        -Breaks the cell phone or GPS seal.

        -Not comply with the rules of mandatory route.

        -Not comply with the rules of prohibited route.

        -Has a GPS or cell-tracking system (eg. Smartphone,Blackberry, Iphone, etc.).

        -Not giving assistance to another team that is in a state of emergency.

        -Use Maps other than those provided by the Organization.

        -Be found recognizing the route after the maps has been given.

        -Be with unsporting, aggressive, destructive attitudes, etc. (Eg. Insults and aggression between members of the same team and / or with other team members and / or to any member of the Organization).

        -Be hostile, violent, or disrespectful against media.

        -Make Damage or destroy facilities in areas where competition operates.

10.7. The race director may penalize teams for actions that are not specified in paragraphs 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 and who break any of the rules described in this policy.


11.Award. The awarding of these rules it is the responsibility the Race Director and the Race Jury. Any Formal protest by a team must be submitted in writing as soon as possible, and no later 12 hours after team finished or has been removed from the race.

11.1. At first, the Race Director penalized for breach of any of these rules.

11.2. If a formal complaint is received, the race jury will judge the case.

        11.2.1. All protests must be lodged by the team captain.

        11.2.2. The jury will be made by the Race Director, the General Director and a racer chosen by the organizers before the race.

        11.2.3. If it is not reach a unanimous decision, there will be a vote among the jurors.

        11.2.4. The result of the vote shall be irrevocable.

 11.3. If you have a formal protest of a case regarding the final ranking of the teams, the awards ceremony will be postponed until there is a decision on the case.

 11.4. If this legislation is translated into another language and there is a conflict of rules for it, the Spanish version shall take precedence over others.


​One of the great aspects of racing is the issue of self-sufficiency in the race. The days before the race, you will have to do meticulous planning about everything you require in the race and save it in your race bags. We will provide detailed information of the stages and its Plan of Logistics few days before the race. This plan will be your guide to properly pack everything you need for adventure that awaits you.




Here we show the list of mandatory gear for Expedición Guaraní 2018. 


Note that this is not a list of unique items to be carried. It contains just the obligatory or mandatory material and equipment that each competitor and team must carry, throughout the race or at specific times, to meet a minimum safety requirements, to prevent and / or treat some injuries or for actions of short-term survival.


Each competitor and his team are jointly responsible for carrying gear, food and adequate clothing for the weather conditions, and the activities of the race, regardless of the provisions in this listing.


The organization will be making checks on mandatory gear before and during the race. If a required item is used / consumed / lost during a section of the race, will have to be replaced in the next transition area.


This list is divided into two categories: the gear that each competitor and his team must carry at all times and the items to be used for a specific section


Newsletter 1 (2018.1.8)

Newletter 2 (2018.3.4)

© 2018 by NonStop Aventura

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