arwC 2022 paraguay
In Expedición Guaraní, participants will travel about 550km through the most beautiful places in the country. They will paddle through meandering rivers; although Paraguay does not have high mountains, they will reach some of its most imposing hills; they will have to ride several kilometers along paths of sand and mud and carry out ropes activities on rock walls and waterfalls. All this, in an environment full of lush vegetation, the last vestige of the Atlantic Forest, which was the second largest tropical rainforest in South America, and extends from Brazil (Pantanal area) through Paraguay and reaching Argentina.
Mixed teams of 4 members will race for adventure racing world champions title. And as in other editions, there will be a shorter route from the beginning for those teams that want to experience the excitement of competing in an ARWC together with the best racers in the world, but who do not want to embark on a route as demanding as that of a world class race.
Teams that are not mixed, will also be welcome at Expedición Guaraní, although they will not be in the official race classification or the ARWS ranking.
In Expedición Guaraní, we believe that having a good cartography is fundamental, since it is the basis of any adventure race. We will do an exhaustive fieldwork and cabinet work so that the ARWC 2022 maps have all the necessary information to trust them. It is something that we have been doing during the 6 years of life of EG and it is one of the most praised points by the racers.
Paraguay is a country with very friendly people, so the excellent service to the adventurers will become the trademark of Expedición Guaraní.

september 2022

The competition center will be located in a hotel near the capital, Asunción. That will be the place where the pre-race tasks will be carried out, such as registration, equipment checking and technical skills, welcome dinner ... and also the closing ceremony.
It will be the official hotel of the race and there will be important offers for registered teams and their families.
Hours before the start of the race, we will travel by bus to the place of the start. The exact place of the start will not be revealed until that day.The arrival will also be located far from Asunción.
The teams and family will have place to stay (at their expense) from their arrival to the finish line and until the return by bus on Saturday.

Expedición Guaraní is an adventure race in which different sports disciplines are combined. Mountain biking, trekking, kayaking and orienteering will be the main ones and the teams will have to demonstrate their skills in all of them.
The orienteering can be considered the main discipline of the race, since in all sections teams will advance with the help of a map and compass. Have at least a good navigator on the team may be the key in getting a good final result.
In the race, updated topographic maps will be used on a 1:50,000 scale, although other types of maps and/or scales may also be used in some sections or parts of the race.

The trekking sections will be the most challenging parts of the race. Teams will have to walk in paths, crossing or going through rivers, climbing waterfalls and even making its own way through the middle of the forest.
Mountain Biking
Racers met several mountain biking sections. It will be shot in all types of terrain and navigation will also be decisive in this discipline.
Teams must take some spare equipment and must be able to use it appropriately in case of failure.

There will be several kayaking sections. In rivers and streams, mainly. Racers will have to be prepared to be in their kayaks for several hours.
Throughout the race, there will be different rope activities, such as descent (abseiling), ascent (jumaring), zip lines or Tibetan bridges.

Expedición Guaraní will have 2 courses in order to offer this magnificent experience to the maximum number of racers possible.
Equipos: 4 people mixed
Distancia: +-550km
Días: From 4 to 7
DIsciplinas: All
In Long race, mixed teams formed by four athletes will participate, that is, there must be at least one male and one female racer in each team.
It will not be necessary to have your own assistance, since it will be the organization that is in charge of transporting the teams equipment to transitions.
The participating teams will have the possibility of taking the complete ARWC 2022 Paraguay route and will be eligible for the official prizes.
If, during the race, a team fails to pass any of the cuts, it will go to Short Course.
All teams will rank on the ARWC 2022.
TEAMS: 4 people mixed
DistancE: +-450km
DAYS: From 3 to 7
DIsciplinEs: All
In Short race, mixed teams formed by four athletes will participate, that is, there must be at least one male and one female racer in each team.
It will not be necessary to have your own assistance, since it will be the organization that is in charge of transporting the teams equipment to transitions.
The teams participating in Short race, will share, with those of Long race, the essence of the ARWC 2022 Paraguay route, although their total distance will be somewhat lower, so that all teams can reach the finish line.
Teams in short race will rank in the same official ARWC 2022 ranking, but always behind teams that do not drop out on Long race.
Expedición Guaraní is a race created by and for adventure racers. Therefore, our main objective is to design a technical and demanding course for the top teams, but also dynamic and affordable for slower teams, without forgetting to offer fun stages with attractive landscapes. The route will be full of contrasts, as it will pass through varied terrain such as mountain areas, atlantic forest, serpentine rivers...
Some control points (CPs) and transition areas (TAs) of the race are mandatory. Other ones are optonal and the team will decide to visit them or not. Moving to another activity or checking in (take the photographs) another section’s CP without previously having passed through the corresponding TA is not allowed.
There will be several cut offs along the course (defined in the RaceBook). Our aim is that as many teams as possible are able to reach the goal and therefore we have enabled these cut off zones, in order to allow the lagging teams to cut part of the course and reach the finish line and not miss the final party.
To complete the full course all TAs have to be visited and all CPs have to be validated along the course and up to the finish line. The TAs’ visits and CPs’ checks have to be validated by the corresponding system.
If a team skip a CP, either on its own decision or due to a cut off, it will still be competing, however, it will be ranked behind the teams that have managed to arrive longer in the race. For ranking purposes among these teams, it will be taken into account the number of CPs or TAs that the teams have reached without interruption.
Teams that do not reach the finish line at the established time will stop racing at the exact place where they are at that moment. These teams will have to return on their own or with the aid of the organization if necessary. Their relative position to other teams will be decided by the number of check points achieved or by analyzing the track if necessary.
There won´t be mandatory stop during the race, so teams will manage their own rest. Maps will be delivered minutes before the race starts, once the teams are free from mobile devices.
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The ARWS has a list of standard equipment for all races, which you can see here.
For ARWC 2022, many of these elements will be mandatory, but there are also some that are not necessary due to the climate of the area and others that are not on the ARWS list, which are mandatory for ARWC 2022. The list of the equipment that will be needed in the race will be shown soon.
There will be a total of USD 50,000, distributed among the first teams classified in the ARWC 2022 Paraguay, the first Young team and the first Veteran team.
Free registration to ARWC2023 for the first classified team.