Registration Process
Registration Price
Expedition Race
Discount Price: US$ 2000 until 31/XII/2016
Standard Price: US$ 2400 from 1/I/2017 until 31/I/2017
This amount includes:
3 nights accommodation free of charge (Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th and Saturday 11th)
Transfers to and from the Silvio Pettirossi International Airport, Asuncion (ASU)
Translation help for the teams that require it.
Bicycle mechanic service before and after the race.
Food and drink (hot and cold) on transitions.
Logistical support for the race (no assistance required).
Specialized equipment: kayaks, ropes ...
Official race bibs.
Commemorative T-shirt .
Waterproof and updated maps, passport, and Race Book.
Satellite tracking of the team during the race.
Welcome lunch.
Dinner and final party of the race.
Photos and videos of the race.
Adventure Race
Standard Price: US$ 700 until 31/II/2017
This amount includes:
Transfers from the finish line to Asuncion.
Bicycle mechanic service before and after the race.
Food and drink (hot and cold) on transitions.
Logistical support for the race (no assistance required)
Specialized equipment: kayaks, rope ...
Official Race bibs.
Commemorative T-shirt.
Waterproof and updated maps, passport, and the route book.
Satellite tracking of the team during the race.
Welcome lunch.
Dinner and final Party.
Photos and videos of the race
The chance to compete alongside with some of the best teamsin world class.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Payment Options
By Bank Transfer
Intermediary (56 A) CHASUS33
Account with Inst. (57 A) UBBRPYPX
ABA 021000021
Banco Itaú Paraguay S.A.
Asunción, Paraguay
Benefic. Customer (59) Account N° 410006694
Gustavo Luis Borgognon Montero
By Paypal
PayPal account: gustavob@negofin.com.py
After making the payment, you have to send an email to expedicionguarani@gmail.com with the team name, date of payment, and number of transfer document. Without this information we cannot confirm the place in the race.
Teams will have to pay all bank fees or other transacti on value.
Return Policy
A Return of 85% with a cancellation notice until 31/12/2016
A return of 50% refund if notified of cancellation until 31/1/2017
No refunds after 31/1/2017
To participate in Expedición Guarani 2017, teams must complete the Registration Form with the team and its members information.
Once completed the form, and to confirm registration, payment must be made within one of the Registration Deadlines. The teams will appear in the list upon completion of payment.
* We are the cheapest race in the ARWS and we offer too many services to our racers. So, we don´t make discounts. All team will pay the same and will receive the same services.